My Blogging Journey

My blogging journey has been a slow journey and I have been trying to figure out why.  I have twelve drafts in the works but I have yet to hit the publish button.  One of my professors told me last night that I am a perfectionist and perhaps this is why I act the way I do.  Part of me thinks that I have written my thoughts down and that is good enough.  I know what I have learned but it still needs to be shared.  Putting my thoughts and opinions online isn’t an overly pleasant experience for me.   I don’t look forward to blogging.  I know it is a great tool to use but I’m still not sold.  However, I do think blogging is a fabulous tool for my own students.  They get a wider audience and it gives them a purpose for writing.  I just don’t think self-reflecting type blogging is a practice that I will keep up after this class.  Reflections about learning are personal and I don’t want anybody and everybody to be a part of that.  I prefer a small community like Google + and Twitter where you can share shorter messages.

Do you enjoy blogging?

Which community do you prefer Google +, Twitter, or a blogging community?

I have heard that blogs should be 400 words or less.  Do you agree/disagree with this statement?

Now off to tweak and publish more blog entries.  Isn’t there a saying that the best learning occurs when you are uncomfortable?

8 thoughts on “My Blogging Journey

  1. Hi Shannon, I too felt uncomfortable posting blogs. Prior to this class, I had met someone that was shocked I didn’t blog. The problem was, I wasn’t sure what I would blog about nor if anyone would be interested in reading it. I shared this experience with a colleague of mine and she suggested that I start a blog about all of the professional resources I read and would recommend. I took her advice and created an account. Unfortunately with working full time, taking classes, doing professional reading, and trying to have a balanced life, I didn’t keep it up and no longer remember the address to the blog site. Taking this class has forced me to blog about what I have been learning. Interestingly enough, I find that I am constantly thinking- hey I should blog about that! Sometimes I get around to doing it, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I get a response to my thoughts, sometimes I don’t and I am OK with that. In fact, when I do get the opportunity to post my thoughts, I feel a small sense of accomplishment. I have really enjoyed being reflective and have realized I need to do it more often. I wish you the best of luck with your blogging journey. I believe it is not the length that is important but the thoughts and reflections you share.

    • Thanks Amanda! I love the idea about blogging about resources that I would recommend. I blogged today about one of my favourite apps and it felt right. Thanks for your words!

  2. Shannon, thanks for the comment on my blog and I appreciate the thoughts you’ve written and published in this blog. I didn’t know that blog posts should be approx. 400 words. That makes a little less pressure. I have taken to Twitter, but that’s probably because it is very easily accessible and it’s only 140 characters long – less commitment. I like reflective blogging, I did it a few years ago when I backpacked through Europe and I love getting comments on my journey. I always try to be thoughtful in my writing, but I try not to think too much about who may or may not read my post. In regards to the blogging support group, I am all in! Kind of like the support when we use to do those boot camps with Chris Lewis together (I think that was you). And honestly, I wait until I feel that I have something substantial to say, but I don’t think that’s always necessary. Anyway, let’s keep up the blogging, as difficult as it may be at some points.

  3. Hi Shannon. I too have a number of drafts waiting to be published. I also find my self pausing every time I hit the publish button. I have really tried to think of my posts as works in progress, and I have gone back to edit some of my posts once they have been published. I have definitely struggled to keep some posts under 400 words, especially the ones describing my final project. I am going to try posting some screencasts in future blogs to see if I can verbalize my thoughts more succinctly. I definitely find it more convenient to post shorter thoughts and ideas to platforms like Twitter and Google+. However, for personal reflection I find blogging to be more meaningful.

  4. Hi Shannon,

    I have had a fairly slow start to blogging as well. I find it is not a natural practice for me, and it can be a little uncomfortable. I enjoy reading others’ blogs, but have a hard time leaving comments and questions for the writer. However, the more I’ve been blogging and commenting, and the more I’ve put myself out there, I feel that I am gaining more from it. I think it is a great way to connect with other educators and learn about the journeys of other learners. Perhaps, with time, you will feel more willing to share your thoughts and ideas. I’m sure you have many valid and interesting things to share!

    I tend to agree with the idea of a blog being about 400 words. I can find it difficult to read online, so I quickly lose interest in reading longer blogs and articles.

    I think my favourite platform that we are using is the Google Plus community. It allows for the quick sharing of thoughts and ideas, as well as the possibility for engaging in longer conversations through blogs and articles. I find it very user-friendly and visually appealing.

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